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Tutor Profile

Samson B.

Math Tutor


0 Students

0 Lessons

0 Reviews

Mathematics tutor with 14 years experience.

Speaks: English Native

Country of origin Zimbabwe, Country living in South Africa

About the Tutor:

Good education is, in my belief, the single most important thing we can impart to the younger generation. Enabling children to grasp the foundational knowledge and skills that they will use for the rest of their lives is a wonderful gift. Mathematics is one fundamental subject that everyone should have some level of knowledge of. As such I am proud of my work and I know I am building a better tomorrow for every, come lets work together. We can do this!

Lesson & Teaching Style:

I try to be as interactive and give life examples so that my learners grasp concepts as quickly as possible; this has help me throughout my teaching journey and I have seen a number of students excelling through this approach.


Business,Conversational,Intensive,For Beginners,For Kids




Bachelor of Science

16.08.2010 - 30.06.2014

Certificate Verified


Work Experience

AES Consulting

03.01.2022 - Present

0 Reviews

Bluexee Teacher since 31.05.2024


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