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Tutor Profile

Kashifa A.

English Tutor

Professional Teacher


0 Students

0 Lessons

0 Reviews

Certified Tutor with 15 years of Experience

Speaks: English Native

Country of origin South Africa, Country living in South Africa

About the Tutor:

I am a teacher by profession and have been working as an English teacher in language schools for the past nine years. I am well organized, highly motivated to accept responsibility and thorough in my approach to work. I am also creative and easy going, always ensuring that I operate with a high level of integrity. I am a highly experienced communicator in the English Language and i have a passion for teaching adult learners. My open minded and friendly personality allows me to relate well with people and i can co operate activities, people and time.

Lesson & Teaching Style:

I would describe my lessons and teaching style as conversation driven. Since I typically work with students one on one, I always try to clearly identify with each one. Not what I want to achieve, but what they want to achieve. Considering their current level of language skills, I come up with lesson, including some milestones and quizzes at the end of the lesson, in order to evaluate our progress regularly.


Business,Conversational,Intensive,For Kids,IELTS,TOEFL,CAE,Special Needs




Human resources Business Diploma

01.01.2010 - 01.01.2014

Certificate Verified


Tefl Diploma


Certificate Verified

Work Experience


08.01.2015 - 21.09.2023


08.01.2015 - 21.09.2023


08.01.2015 - 21.09.2023

0 Reviews

Bluexee Teacher since 31.03.2023


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